Monitor and analyze the mentions

Hapttic grants the capacity to acquire a comprehensive and consistent understanding of market trends, shifts and tendencies

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Holistic Analysis

Hapttic enables users to effortlessly establish a custom pool of observations tailored to specific interests and keywords, allowing you to closely monitor the market pulse with precision.

  • SOV

    Hapttic’s deep analysis looks at what people are saying about a certain brand or topic and cross-correlates it to the interests of the choice.

  • Competition

    Tap into the invaluable resource of data to unlock a deeper understanding of why customers are consistently opting for your brand or making choices in favor of competitors.

  • Favourability

    Harness the potential to uncover the precise factors and sentiments influencing customers' choices between your brand and the competition.

  • Engagement

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled.

  • News and Social Media Monitoring Tools in One Platform

    PR and social media are closely aligned, so why should you use two separate tools for tracking social media mentions and news coverage? With Meltwater you can monitor your brand in traditional broadcast, print, and online news, alongside social media -saving you time and money.

  • The Ultimate Social Listening Tool

    Whenever somebody mentions your brand on social media, or talks about a topic that's important to your business, you should know about it. Meltwater offers the industry's most comprehensive social listening platform, so you can be sure you never miss a thing.

  • Enterprise-Grade Social Listening & Analytics Simplified

    Use social media monitoring to grow your brand's impact online and stay ahead of the pack! Listen to conversations that will help you understand and engage your audience.