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What we monitor
Social media

Hapttic allows you to analyse different social media channels and their content (posts, comments, announcements, etc.). You can monitor social media mentions of your brand or discussions on issues that are significant to your company.

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We analyse everything

Collect posts, comments, mentions and

conversations that are important to you.

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Use cases

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Community Management

Hapttic will help you to swiftly identify and settle potential community red-flags. Via Hapttic, you can create custom alerts and be notified upon your reference. Notification preferences can be designed and deployed individually.

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Crisis Management

Hapttic will help you to swiftly identify and settle potential community red-flags. Via Hapttic, you can create custom alerts and be notified upon your reference. Notification preferences can be designed and deployed individually for every theme and monitoring campaign.

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Campaign Tracking

Track the social impact of your media campaigns. Analyse the channel and target efficiency through Hapttic analytics dashboard. Monitor and cross reference multi channel progress and sentiment shifts of specific products or brands.

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Focus Study

Set up/identify, listen and analyse the most relevant conversations and social activities on the web. Hapttic grants the ability to monitor and study organic activities and attitudes towards the subject. Through Hapttic, you can sift through the white noise and focus on what’s pertinent for your brand.

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Share of Voice

SOV metrics extract insights from authentic conversations that are happening on the web. Hapttic’s deep analysis looks at what people are saying about a certain brand or topic and cross correlates it to the interests of the choice. 

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Multichannel Analysis

Manage all media channels in one place. Our monitoring software is equipped to execute multi channel monitoring and categorisation procedures. Post identification analyses, relevant thematic breakdown and individual investigation is available for every single case.